Building a standout brand, one good choice at a time.
Orlando Health
Orlando Health first came to Lewis for an expert opinion on their recently updated branding. What we saw was a step in the right direction, but a brand that ultimately needed more than a few tweaks to stand out in a parity market. It needed a deeper connection to all the various audiences it served.
Choose Well
Having already started a conversion centered on “choice,” we evolved Orlando Health’s platform to “Choose Well,” adding the “why” behind the choice. This shifted the focus away from the institution, instead portraying what “making the right choice” will do for each audience depending on how we used the word “well.”
Grand Debut
One of those choices was where to go for expert orthopedic care. With Orlando Health opening the first dedicated orthopedic hospital in Florida, the choice was clear and they wanted to show off their new state-of-the-art facility. And what better way to lead people on a tour through a new hospital than with an action-packed game of keep away? Working closely with existing sports partnerships, we let Orlando Pride soccer star Kerry Abello dribble, spin, and kick her way across seven floors dedicated to orthopedic mastery.
Pros & Joes
Everyone knew Orlando Health Jewitt Orthopedic Institute was the place to go for superstar pro athletes. What they didn’t know was that the same surgeons who fix up the pros also fix up the Joes. So we leveraged their lineup of sports sponsorships to let everyone know you don’t have to be a pro athlete to be treated like one.

From a wildly successful grand opening of a new orthopedic hospital, to increased patient volume across multiple service lines, and a more robust, harder-working brand, we quickly strengthened Orlando Health’s position in the market and set them up for future growth.