Uniting local trust with academic expertise.
UVA Health
When UVA Health acquired a system of local community hospitals throughout Northern Virginia, it was up to us to ease concern and make sure all audiences understood the benefits of being supported by an academic medical center.

Similar to cancer, when people hear “acquisition” they think the worst. By emphasizing warmth and a true partnership, we were able to provide reasassurance to all audiences, patients and doctors alike, that the healthcare they know and trust is just getting better and their doctors are getting more support than ever.

A united approach achieved unanimous approval. By clearly communicating the benefits of an academic medical center while alleviating fears, UVA Health was able to build trust with their new partners, both internally and externally.
Percentage-point intent to use gain due to increased access to UVA Health specialists
Percentage-point intent to use gain due to increased access to innovative diagnosis and treatment options